Ship takes on water after being attacked twice in Red Sea

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In a dramatic escalation of maritime conflict in the Red Sea, the Greek-owned bulk carrier Laax has sustained significant damage after being struck by three missiles off the coast of Yemen, as reported by maritime security firm Ambrey on Tuesday.

The Incident

The Laax, sailing under the Marshall Islands flag, was initially hit 85 kilometers southwest of the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah. The vessel issued a distress call, indicating that it had suffered damage to its cargo hold and was taking on water. Despite the severe situation, the ship continued its voyage, albeit listing as it made its way to safety.

Further damage was reported later on Tuesday evening when a second missile strike occurred 61 kilometers northwest of Al Mocha, Yemen. This additional hit exacerbated the ship's already critical condition. The UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) confirmed the sequence of events, highlighting the severe impact on the vessel's structure.

Immediate Response

Following the attacks, Greek shipping sources disclosed that the Laax was making its way to a nearby port to evaluate the full extent of the damage. The crew, fortunately, remained safe throughout the ordeal. The UKMTO added that they had received another report of a similar incident involving missile impacts close to the vessel, 57 kilometers southwest of Hodeidah.

Background and Implications

This incident is part of a broader campaign by Yemen's Houthi, who have been targeting international shipping in the Red Sea since November. The Iran-backed group, which controls much of southern and central Yemen, claims these attacks are in support of Palestinians and against Israel's ongoing in Gaza.

Despite multiple waves of air strikes by the US and UK against Houthi positions in Yemen, these measures have not effectively deterred the group from continuing their assaults on one of the world's most vital waterways. The Red Sea is crucial for global shipping, and disruptions can have significant economic and environmental repercussions.

In March, the freighter MV Rubymar tragically sank after being hit by two Houthi-launched missiles. The ship's cargo of ship size raised alarms about potential environmental damage to the Red Sea's delicate media ecosystem.

International Reactions

The ongoing attacks have drawn international condemnation. On Tuesday, China's Foreign China'sr Wang Yi called for an immediate cessation of assaults on civilian vessels in the Red Sea. After meeting with Yemeni Foreign Minister Shayea Mohsen Al Zindani in Beijing, Wang Yi expressed China's willingnChina'splay a constructive role in resolving the conflict.

The Houthi rebels have yet to state the latest attack on the Laax. However, their continued offensive highlights the escalating tension and instability in the region.

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