OceanViking Evacuates 29 people From Boat in Malta

Malta tracked via ShipXplorer.com

Last Sunday, April 23, a dramatic rescue operation occurred in the Maltese search and rescue region. The OceanViking team battled through darkness and rough weather to evacuate 29 people from an unseaworthy boat.

According to OceanViking, the individuals had been in distress in the Mediterranean for five days before the distress call was shared by Alarm Phone. Despite being aware of the situation, authorities failed to launch a rescue operation, leaving the people to face worsening weather conditions and the elements.

During the rescue, a Maltese helicopter hovered over the marine casualty, while an Italian patrol boat was also at the scene—however, neither party assisted in finding the distressed boat or taking over the coordination of the operation.

Following the successful evacuation, the Italian authorities assigned OceanViking Bari, located 770 km away, as the destination for the landing of the 29 survivors, a two-day journey from the rescue site. OceanViking has expressed concern that more lives may be at risk in the central Mediterranean.

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