Featured AIS Feeder: César Regalado (EA8CXN/SXAISD0000026) - Spain

César Regalado, ShipXplorer AIS Spanish Feeder, located in Canary Islands, Spain

Hola Canarias! Hello, Canary islands!

César Regalado is a ham radio operator (EA8CXN) and one of ShipXplorer's AIS data feeders in the Canary Islands, Spain. His station is located in La Matanza de Acentejo, a town near the north coast of Tenerife, about 10 km (5.3 nautical miles) east of Puerto de la Cruz. César has been sharing his AIS data with ShipXplorer since September this year. Continue reading this blog to learn about César's story!

Cesar's station is 420 meters (1378 ft) above sea level with his antenna setup at 4 meters (13ft) above ground level. 

César's Antennas (AIS & Ham Radio) - Photo: César Regalado 

César's Antennas (AIS & Ham Radio) - Photo: César Regalado 

SXAISD0000026 AIS Station in La Matanza de Acentejo, Spain

His advice to other AIS Data feeders & sharers is to use LNA Filters. He says," I notice that the use of LNA + Filter (minimum Notch filter for FM broadcast, and desirable passband for 162 Mhz) improves the number of decodes. So... use it!"

César and his setup - Photo Source: César Regalado

He also tells us that he started sending AIS data to ShipXplorer after receiving some emails highlighting the benefits of being a ShipXplorer feeder. These are 2 of his primary reasons.

  1. You assist the maritime community with useful data. People who work at Port (Terminals, Port Control, Agency, surveyors...) need AIS coverage for their job.

  2. In the case of Ham Radio Operators, you can use the data to predict or analyze the tropospheric duct conditions and separate them between maritime and elevated ducts. Read his detailed explanation here: https://ea8cxn.es/?p=583&lang=en- Additionally, one can perform some experiments regarding radio waves, for example, a ship's scattered; more info https://ea8cxn.es/?p=431&lang=en" says César.

Sunset in La Matanza de Acentejo, Canary Islands, Spain - Photo Source: César Regalado

Sunset in La Matanza de Acentejo, Canary Islands, Spain - Photo Source: César Regalado

La Matanza de Acentejo, Canary Islands, Spain

The city name means "the Slaughter of Acentejo" in Spanish and refers to the 1494 First Battle of Acentejo, lost by the Spanish. The population is 8,944 (2013), and the area is 14.11 km². The elevation is 425 m. The TF-5 motorway passes through the municipality.

Koppchen, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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