EMSA publishes document to support shipping in the implementation of the EU maritime regulation regarding maritime safety

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On September 27, EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) published a document to support shipping by implementing EU maritime security regulations. The content of this document is intended for the use of all personnel responsible for security in the EU maritime public and private sector, and this document will be updated annually, according to EMSA.

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) document provides guidance to assist Member States in achieving a harmonized and effective implementation of Union law in the field of maritime security, in particular, Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of March 31, 2004, on enhancing ship and port facility security and Directive 2005/65/EC of October 26, 2005, on enhancing port security.

Also, according to information, the guidance focuses on the administrative and control tasks that must be performed by the competent authorities of the Member States for maritime security concerning the following areas:

Member States' obligations:

  1. Role as a Flag State;
  2. Role of Recognized Security Organizations (RSOs);
  3. Role as Port State (i.e., duly authorized officers, DAOs);
  4. Port Facilities;
  5. Reporting.

The document aims to guide selected aspects of this activity where feedback from maritime security inspections led by the European Commission in the Member States with the assistance of EMSA allows vital regulatory requirements to be highlighted, providing further clarity where possible, along with recommendations and best management practices to complement these requirements.

Download here: https://www.emsa.europa.eu/publications/download/7308/4828/23.html


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